Rising Above the Current
It’s a new morning. Just a few hours ago, everything was still enveloped in darkness. Now the sun is coming up and puts everything in a new light. Glorious warmth chases away the chill of the night. It’s my favorite time of the day.
I can hardly believe that we’re a few months already into the new year. I’ve been having plenty of conversations with brilliant women who have shared that life has felt like a roller coaster of ups and downs for them.
You know that feeling of two steps forward, three steps back? If this has been your experience, you’re not alone.
Personally, my little family has been down with the vid (symptoms have been mild and we’re all perfectly fine), but I do have a new sensitivity to how vulnerable we all are to being impacted by what is happening in the world around us.
There is a strong current of events that are completely outside of our control that seems to be gathering speed in the world. And if we’re not mindful, we could so easily be swept up in it and lose our footing. There is no denying that the last two years have left us fractured.
But let me tell you something that I know to be true…
As individuals, and as individuals in communities that care about each other and the state of the world, we CAN rise above the current. And we absolutely should.
All around me in the online space I see women growing and standing strong as they support and encourage each other. Thriving! Flying! Having big, bold, glorious, beyond-their-wildest-joy kind of experiences, and serving their communities with such loving devotion and enthusiasm. Of course! #duality
And I feel strongly that we get to choose whether we sink or swim.
Rising above the current means that the rest of this year (and beyond) can still unfold for us in the most wonderful of ways. There is so much love to experience, beauty to create, miracles to step into.
Let’s show up for ourselves and for each other, no matter how strong the current, or how bad the weather. Because life is life, and the ocean ebbs and flows, and the sun always rises again.
BIG love,